best part time jobs in 2019

best part-time jobs in 2019
best 20 part time jobs
best 20 part-time jobs 

best part-time jobs 2019

Food corner

You can start any breakfast food corner and this is so amazing I have seen a lot of people who start it to generate extra income which they start it in earlier in the morning and them close it at 10 am after that they do their regular job.

I saw so many people how to start that with a very small budget but after some time they hire people who know how to cook and they start doing it full time and they opened many food corners on different places were so many corporate offices available and they earning in lacs monthly.

Food delivery

You can be the food delivery boy and you can do it after your office time because at dinner time so many people order food online and if you do daily at least 3 delivery then you can earn more than 120 rupees per day means 3600 rupees per month this is a big amount for who earn monthly 10 to 15 thousand rupees but You have to your own bike or scooter and driving licence.

Yoga instructor

You can offer classes or even a private lesson in your home or their place you can charge them as you want and if you trained 3 people then you can earn more than 5 thousand per month. You can do it online as well if you start your own website you can earn more than your permanent job.

Tour guide

If you are good in English or you know any other language as well then you can be a tourist guide and you can do it on your weekend and you can earn a good amount of money.

E-Books writer

If you are good at writing and you know any useful knowledge which is very useful for other people then you can write eBooks and publish it and earn when anyone buys it but you have to give value people then some buy your eBooks.

Affiliate marketer

Set up any website or blog or any social media page and promote your page get huge traffic and followers then you can do affiliate marketing their and earn good money this is quite a long process but if you do it regularly then after some months you can make money.

Designing work

If you are any types of designer like an interior designer, web designer, logo designer etc you do that work online as well and you can earn so much money online two plate forms are very famous for work online, upwork and Fiverr.


If you are a good copywriter then you can earn as much as you can if you can write good quotes and you are good at writing then you can earn so much money online.

Youtube channel

If can share you knowledge with people and that knowledge is useful for other people then you earn good money from your channel by ads or influencer promotions.

Sell photographs

You can take unique and attractive photos and you can upload it on stock photographer sites so that people can use or purchase them for their own purpose.

Gym trainer

If you have good knowledge about diet and exercise then you can be a trainer you can train people for and earn good enough money.

Portrait maker  

If you are good at sketching or making portrait then you can work for others and you can do it in your free time on a daily basis you can earn so good money.

Video editor  

If you are a good video editor then you can do so much work online and earn good money.

Graphic designer

If you are a graphic designer then you can get so much work online and earn so good money and every graphic the designer should do it and if don’t know graphics designing then you can hire a designer who knows it and you can earn money by becoming a mediator.

Social influencer

You can start any page on any social media and grow it when you have good followers then you can earn money by promoting companies.

And you sell something to your followers.

Rental income  

If you have any extra rooms then you can give it on rent and earn money this is the easiest way of earning passive income.


This is quite a tough way of earning money because blogging takes time to give you money if it will start giving money then it will after some your best source of earning money you just have to work on a niche.

Water filter service

If you know how to do water purifier service then you can earn do it in your weekends and earn 200 to 300 rupees per purifier and you can do 4 to 5 purifiers service easily a day.


You can start doing work in event on you weekend they give cash payment and they provide you lunch or some of the pick, you and drop you at your home.


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