Time management

Time management

Time management
 Time management 

Time management

Read this carefully and I promise it will blow your mind and you will never waste your time and you will live your life with time management 

24985 imagine if you have given 24 thousand 9 hundred and 85 rupees the time you were born and while giving that money if you were said that only that much amount you will for your entire life and you have to spend your entire life with that amount of money no extra penny will be given.

 you will have only 24 thousand 9 hundred 85 rupees for eating food having family etc you have to do every single thing with that money has to spend entire life by spending money from that amount so what you think is this amount less or more for your entire life.

Suppose if this happens in reality then you have you be so careful and precise with your expenses well in reality an average person get this number not in money but in the thing which is more important than money.

As per the Indian report, our average life at today time is 68.45 years which we convert in days then it would be 24 thousand 9 hundred and 85 days means we have only these many days to do everything.
We have only these many days to eat, drink, to travel to make family to fulfill our dreams etc we have to do everything in just these days having 24 thousand 9 hundred and 85 days isn’t a big problem but the actual problem is we waste hell lot of days from these given days.

A survey shows that we waste 9000 days in doing useless activities which are more than 40% time of our lives, therefore, today I will give a great book summary on the most valuable thing our lives and that valuable thing is how not to waste time.

I will teach you 4 basic steps and principle by following that you will learn to make the best use of your time and also make to achieve your goals.

If you ask maximum people whether they are good at making strategies or at executing it then you will find maximum people who are good at executing they must have seen many youtube videos related to their goals they will have lots of business knowledge but the thing in which they will lack that would be execution.

Means they lack at taking actions for completing their goals so if you want to be different from others want to achieve goals and want to be successful then please focus on execution and to focus on it the thing which will help is 4DX.

Means the 4 discipline of execution

After so many surveys on more than 2 lakh business leaders that why they fail to take action for their ideas why are not they fulfilling their goals then through it they came to know that the one thing which doesn’t allow them to complete their work is whirlwind.

A whirlwind of small daily work whirlwind of procrastination and time pass which eats their entire day but doesn’t allow them to finish any important work means a whirlwind of social media’s notifications whirlwind of friends meeting whirlwind of all small work etc.

You should make a system for executing your work so that you can fight with that whirlwind and the system which will help you to fight with it is known as 4DX.

The first discipline of 4DX out of 4 is: no. 1 WIG (focus on)

Imagine if you work as an airport ATC means air traffic controller where continuously many flights take off and land at any time if you ask passengers then obviously the most important plane for them will be there’s at any time.

means then all planes will be important but for you the person who controls the entire traffic fir him the most important the wildly important plane will be the only one plane and that one plane will the plane who would be landing at the airport.

At any time your full focus will be on that one plane which would be landing which then helps you to control the entire traffic similarly if you want to full control of your life then even you should keep your full focus on one wildly important goal means to focus on the wig.

Means work which comes under to radar complete only that work which completes your goal 

Statement from X to Y by Z

Example: I want to increase my salary from 30k to 60K that too before 2020 and to make this goal statement possible ask a question to yourself that what will be that one work if you do it now then it will move you closer to your XYZ goal statement just identify that work and complete that work before anything and work on it daily.

In a lecture, once Steve jobs were sharing some wisdom with college students in that lecture he shares one very important thing he said that today Apple has become billion dollars the company but if you keep our all products in one table still that table won’t run out of space on the apple he had money resources everything but still they focused mainly on a few products.

They invested all their energy on that product they work to make the best this is one of the reasons for their company’s success hence work on wildly important goals wildly important goal shouldn’t be more than 2 at any time,

Lead actions & lag results 

Suppose your goal is to double your current income now to achieve this goal you start working hard you search clients apart from your jobs, so that you can get extra work and can increase your income.

At starting you try hard buy till the end of a month you don’t see much progress in your income by the result you get disappointed and then quite by saying that you don’t need an extra income now this same thing happens to many people they take actions but don’t see results.

Experts say that this happens because we don’t understand the thing known as lag results lead actions no matter what work you do and how much nicely you do it, you will get a lag the time between after action and before results means a straight line in a graph, where you won’t see any result.

Now for few this lag time is more and for it is less there for experts say that please don’t measures lag results but measure lead actions daily.

Example : instead of measuring how much income is increasing every month or daily means lag results.

You should measure lead actions that how many lead actions you have increased in order to increase income.

Example: how many clients did you talk to one two or many and next day increase the number of lead action talk to more clients compare to previous day always improve and increase your lead actions.

Suppose you have a youtube channel and you want to increase your subscribers then don’t measure how many subscribers you have gained instead, measure how many videos you are uploading weekly means measure that the thing which you can improve or influence because when you do this way without giving up then for sure your results will improve slowly gradually hence chapter 2 is of focusing on lag results be more focused on lead actions.

3. Put scoreboard

Suppose it’s a holiday and you decide with your friends that today you will play cricket then you all make a team and starts playing but after 1 or 2 hours you notice that with time their interest is fading why? Because you all didn’t count score you have no idea how many run the other team has made.

You all didn’t have an idea of how many runs or wicket you will need to win, you will be just playing with no scoreboard now imagine instead of playing that way if you will have maintained scoreboard and after playing for 1 to 2 hours you would have known that your team needs 10 runs in 1 over and only wickets are left so what do you think even with this both teams would be getting bored.

Obviously no, they would be full of energy and their interest would have gone to another level and they would have played more even if they we're running out of energy well keeping scoreboard has the same power.

People play differently when they know what their score is because with this their will to win increase and when people will win improves then automatically their execution also improves hence it is important for you to check your score frequently.

This you can do by maintaining a journal or by preparing the scoreboard at school or at home now usually you should write three things on scoreboard.

First - You wig

Second - Leg results

Third - Lead actions 

Example: suppose you the wig is increasing your salary from 30 to 60 that too within a year and lag is how many projects you are getting to work on and lead is your number of clients to whom you are connecting.

Now after deciding your wig when you measure your lead actions daily and increase it daily then keeping score will make you feel that you are winning and when you see your lag results improving then this thing will increase your motivation and execution.

Cadence of accountability

People keep more commitment to work on their idea compare to the other work they are asked to do hence 4th discipline teaches us to create a rhythm of giving accountability.

Means meet your team at least once in a week or daily or meet a person to whom you can give accountability of your work and a person gives accountability to his/her work to you, so small session or weekly.

Where you can give an answer to these three questions?

1.     Did you finish the work which you committed last week?

2.     Did your commitments bring progress in scoreboard?

3.     What all commitments you will make this week?

Usually in these one or two work will come which will be the wildly important work which will help you the most to increase your scoreboard.

Trust me if you do this simple things making rhythm and habit then this one thing will help you to fulfill your goals

Always focus on THAT, can you save your time by Time Management and How you gonna use it 


  1. Thanks for sharing your informaitive and amazing post.because
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