How to save money | saving money tips

How to save money | Saving money Tips

How to save money |  money saving tips

how to save money 
| saving money tips

How to save money | Saving money tips

I learn from my mother about how to save money because when I was a kid and my father business was suffering from a lot of depts. After some time we sold out our factory our gold almost everything to pay all debt. And suddenly we sifted in rent house from our own house and my father starts working again and at that time my father salary was not enough for living the good life we just passing our time with just lunch and dinner.

 When my father gets a salary and my father give it to my mother she was first saved few hundred rupees after that she thinks about other expenses and no one knows about that money she saves every month just a little amount of money and she started investing in a small amount of money with her friends and she did the same thing regularly at least 2 years.

She made thousands of money and my father doesn’t even know about that. My mother was too smart she knows if she will not pay first herself and if she will think about save after all expenses then she cannot save anything that’s why she save first then do all expenses.

My father got an accident an the doctor told him to rest at least more than 2 year and doctors told him don’t do any heavy work and suddenly we lost everything me and my sister live at my grandmother house because of my family income they can't afford their children expenses at that time my family income was so poor in that kind of condition my mother use her savings to generate some income for the family.

When my father was made our own house at that time my mother show here saving and made 2 extra rooms at the roof for giving them on rent and suddenly my family income boost more than 30% but she was not happy with just two rooms on rent.

 She always saves one room rent and one room rent use for family expenses and that saving period she never stopped because of she know that passive income is very important for every person.

Next year she starts building 2 more room by her savings and borrowed some money for generating more rental the income she pays that money which she borrowed in a few months and after 2 years she made more 4 rooms on the third floor for rent at that time we made 8 rooms on rent.

At that time our rental income which we can call passive income running my whole family basic expenses and my mother was saving money as well at that time me and my sister come to our home and start living with our parents and then I learn from my mother that way of making money.

If you want to learn how to save money then watch your mother how to see do it in her whole life because of every mother has something which she saves and we don’t know about it.

How to save money and Multiply it

Whenever you earn something always keep a part of that money pay yourself first and try to make more money by that money if you want to be rich you have invested your money and even invest you returns as well don’t feel it will not work on you this rule made many people millionaire.

Save at least you 10% of your salary doesn’t mean if it is less money something is better than nothing if you always think when I will earn more money then I will start saving money so you will not become anything because of your mindset will not give you permission to start saving.

Always think about creating wealth and your first coin of saving is your seed when you save regularly that will like you are giving water to your seed and as much earlier you will start saving as much earlier you can rest in your tree shadow.

If you save just 10% of your the salary I’m very sure it will not hard for anyone you just need to manage you expenses and do it regularly and when you will see you have a good amount now then you can start investing.

If you are a student then you can save so much of money like stop buying an unnecessary thing which is not important for you, less it junk food which is not good for your health also, do fewer parties and etc.
If you are a student and then invest your time if you have 2 to 3 hour then do some online work where you can earn some money and save that money that is the best part of every student because if they work online they will improve new skills and they can start investing earlier.

Before investing seek some advice from those people who are already rich or financially free not from your family and friends.

Always in starting of investing you need to invest a little amount of money and reinvest your returns because if you use your returns in your expenses that mean you are cutting you plant before being a tree.

When your investment start making money at that time to need to relax and wait for the right time to achieve the position which you want makes your money work for you.

Saving money and investing money is important for every person who wants to live his life financially free.

Teach your children about financial freedom because any school or college will not teach them to gift them personal finance book take them in seminars where they can learn about how to live financially free life earlier this is your responsibility.


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